Prepare products from the following list… and sign up for a Polish language course at PROLOG School of Polish. A pierogi making workshop is one of the organized activities for the summer cultural workshops. In addition, we’re exploring Krakow, watching Polish movies, pickling cucumbers, preparing breakfast, biking to Tyniec and organizing many more interesting activities.
Ingredients to prepare BEFORE THE CLASS on the list below. We start on Monday 21:00 Polish time, and already around 22:30 you will taste your own pierogi.
The event will be run by Tomasz Klimek from the befriended Krakow Urban Tours.
This time not in PROLOG’s garden but in his Kitchen.
And you are certainly welcome at PROLOG’s garden and Polish language courses. Last week we did „ogórki kiszone“, and are ready for more workshops and excursions later on this summer.
Enjoy your pierogi!
Składniki do przygotowania / Ingredients to prepare:
– mąka pszenna / wheat flour (0.5 kg or 18 oz or 1.1 lb),
– 1 jajko / egg
– pół szklanki oleju / half a cup of vegetable oil (0,5 cup or 0.12 l)
– cebule / onions (0,5 kg or 1 lb, 4 bigger or 6 smaller ones) PLEASE peel them
and chop into small pieces (as small as possible) BEFORE the start of
our experience! / Obierz je i pokrój na małe kawałki (możliwie jak najmniejsze) PRZED spotkaniem!
– ziemniaki / potatoes (0,5 kg or 1 lb) PLEASE peel them, boil them in water with a
spoon of salt (for around 20min), drain them and mash them BEFORE the
start of our experience! / Obierz je, ugotój w wodzie z łyżką soli (przez ok. 20 min), odcedź i ubij PRZED spotkaniem!
– szklanka gorącej wody / a cup of hot water (250ml or 9oz)
– masło / butter (200g or 7oz or 0.5 lb)
– twaróg / farmers’ cottage cheese (250g or 0.5 lb)
– sól i pieprz / salt & pepper
Wyposażenie: Ostry nóż, widelec, patelnia, deska do krojenia, miska, stolnica (lub gładki stół), wałek, garnek średniej wielkości, deska do przechowania pierogów.
Equipment: Sharp knife, fork, frying pan, cutting board, mixing bowl, dough board (or plain surface table), dough roll, medium pot, a board to store pierogi.
If you wish to make a toast with the host, please prepare a
beer/wine/water beforehand. Cheers 🙂