Wir führen es hin und wieder durch, entweder vor dem Unterricht oder in der Pause. Schüler aller Gruppen versammeln sich im Garten oder in einem Klassenzimmer, um gemeinsam zu frühstücken und gleichzeitig Polnisch zu lernen. Der Workshop beginnt mit einer Aufwärmübung, bei der die Schüler verstreute Zettel mit Vokabeln zu Read more…


Prepare products from the following list… and sign up for a Polish language course at PROLOG School of Polish. A pierogi making workshop is one of the organized activities for the summer cultural workshops. In addition, we’re exploring Krakow, watching Polish movies, pickling cucumbers, preparing breakfast, biking to Tyniec and Read more…

Covid times workshops

Last summer was a bit unusual, hence unusual workshop arrangements. Most of them were took place online, after the online lessons. So the students had a Chance to learn how to make delicious „ruskie pierogi” so that the Poles would be amazed that it’s not their mamas’ who cooked them. Read more…