Ul. Bronowicka 37
30-084 Kraków
Pon – Pt: 9:00 – 19:30
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Przy wyborze 20-29 zajęć rabat 7%
Przy wyborze więcej niż 30 zajęć rabat 10%

Ewa Grondal

Agnieszka Szyjka

Agnieszka Jancik
I’ve been teaching Polish for ages. I love it because it’s a challenge for both: for teacher and for student who is studying one of the most difficult langauges in the world.

Roman Jendruś

Alicja Dzierżak

Anna Socha-Michalik
I have obtained in PhD degree in Polish Linguistic at the Jagiellonian University. Apart from my fascination with wonderful world of Polish morphosyntax, I am also interested in teaching methodologies for Polish as foreign language. In my free time I enjoy roaming in the Tatra Mountains (or further) and reading books. I am also a mum of a beautiful one-year-old daughter.

Dorota Gancarz

Małgorzata Jasińska-Panek
I’ve been working in Prolog for ages. I like meeting new people and listen to them and their “stories”. I belive that language is a perfect tool of communication and it is exactly what I expect from my students in the classroom – that they speak!

Ewa Kołaczek-Fila
My name is Ewa Kołaczek-Fila. At Prolog I teach at various levels of proficiency. Maybe you will also meet me during qualifications or at consultations. I am interested in good literature, Polish painting and travelling around Europe.
Ewa is the author of “Fonetyka”, “Survival Polish Crashcourse”, and “Gry i Zabawy Językowe”.